Australian Embassy
Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, Central African Republic, African Union, IGAD, UNECA




Requests for Tender for Humanitarian Integration and Settlement Program (HISP) services for the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs

On 28 November 2024 the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) released two Requests for Tender (RFT) on AusTender for services under the new Humanitarian Integration and Settlement Program (HISP).

Services under the HISP AUSCO program are to be delivered overseas and involve the provision of training and information to refugees and other humanitarian entrants to assist them in their travel to, and arrival in, Australia. The RFT is titled: Department of Home Affairs - Request for Tender for the provision of the AUSCO Program for the Humanitarian Integration and Settlement Program (HISP) (HOMEAFFAIRS/2170/RFT)

The Onshore HISP program is to be delivered in Australia and involves the delivery of case management services to assist clients to develop the skills and knowledge required to become self-reliant and active members of the community. The RFT is titled: Department of Home Affairs - Request for Tender for the Provision of Onshore Services for the Humanitarian Integration and Settlement Program (HISP) (HOME AFFAIRS/ 2147/RFT)

Both RFTs will be open for 14 weeks, closing at 2:00pm on 6 March 2025 (Australian Capital Territory local time, Australia) as specified on AusTender. If your organisation is interested in tendering for these opportunities, please ensure you refer to the RFT documentation on AusTender for the full scope of the Department’s requirements and to register for a Sector Briefing.



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